Best VPNs for Payday 2

Payday 2Payday 2 is an action RPG game that makes you start out as a thug. You can get together and rob banks with your friends. It is published by Overkill and is only available on That means it is for PC only.  Since the game is very popular, you may encounter lag. That is a big reason that we suggest a VPN whenever you decide to play Payday 2. There are other reasons we will talk about in a moment. First, look at our list of the best VPNs for Payday 2.

RankVPN ServiceRatingServer
1ExpressVPN9.8160Visit ExpressVPN
2NordVPN9.487Visit NordVPN
3Private Internet Access9.295Visit PIA

This game may have been around for years, but there is a lot of DLC and more than 150 weapons, characters, 250 masks, and 50 heists. With the ultimate set, you don’t have to pay additional money for future content, either. No matter how you choose to play the game you can make it a breeze to very hard. You can play by yourself or as part of a crew.

Now that you see some of the aspects of the game, there are several ways a VPN will help you when playing the game. Because you can connect to one, to can choose a less busy region to play your game in. No matter whether you are robbing a small bank or one of the larger ones, the fact that the game is multiplayer can definitely cause lag. Of course, lag can make the difference between competitively playing or ending up face down in a pool of blood. If your Internet Service Provider starts throttling your activity, the game world can grind to a halt. Since we know that some ISPs do look for patterns, connect to VPN to encrypt your traffic and resolve this issue.

What is the Best VPN for Payday 2?

Since we are going to look at speed and access aspects for the game, our criteria to answer this question will be based on that. Only then can we tell you what the best VPN for Payday 2 is.

  • Large numbers of stable servers to help you avoid disconnects while playing
  • Fast servers in different regions to help you enjoy the best possible speeds
  • Providers with the ability to get around firewalls to play everywhere
  • Strong encryption to help protect your privacy and prevent DDoS attacks
  • Strict no-logs policy offered by providers

Below, you can see some of the best VPNs for Payday 2.

1. Best VPN for Payday 2: ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN Devices

Get 3 months free with 12 months of our #1 rated VPN

Because protecting your security and accounts are essential while gaming, connecting to a VPN server with ExpressVPN is crucial. If you are a gamer, you will spend many hours playing. No matter what the game is, there are achievements, money, and account information that you should be able to protect. To do so, all you need to do is connect to the server of your choice. That way, you will create a layer of encryption that will keep all of your personal gaming information and accounts safe.

Visit ExpressVPN

2. Best VPN for Payday 2: NordVPN

NordVPN devices

No matter what you like to stream online, NordVPN can help stop some of the interruptions you will face. If you are not aware, some internet service providers (ISPs) monitor customer’s traffic to look for streaming patterns. While some say they do not, it is not uncommon for companies to throttle speeds, especially during peak times. Connecting to a VPN, however, will mask the traffic so that episode 12 of your binge fest doesn’t include the spinning wheel of death. No one wants to deal with buffering issues.

Visit NordVPN

3. Best VPN for Payday 2: PIA

Private Internet Access devices

An advantage of using a VPN server from Private Internet Access if you are a gamer is to help protect you from Distributive Denial of Service attacks. For those that are not aware, they can quickly cause problems when you are gaming. Since it shuts down access to your favorite games, playing them becomes difficult. Private Internet Access will help stop those types of attacks from happening to you. That way, you can enjoy the games you want to, whether you are playing casually or competitively.

Visit Private Internet Access

A VPN service will help protect your online privacy and unblock sites from around the world. We support a free and open Internet.