How to Permanently Delete Your Tinder Account

TinderYou probably already know that Tinder is a social and dating app. There are millions of people that use it to meet new friends and other things. That said, what you may not know about are the security and privacy issues with the app. While you may be tempted to use it, you should not because of them. That is why we are going to tell you how to permanently delete your Tinder account.

What are the Issues with Tinder?

As we mentioned, there are security and privacy issues with Tinder. Because of its nature, it collects quite a bit of information on you. Likely, it is more than you expect. Why you might ask? To provide you with targeted ads, of course. They also reserve the right to use the collected information in any way the see fit, including selling it to 3rd parties. If you have used Tinder for awhile, you may not be aware that the pictures were not even encrypted until 2018. That means anyone on the network could see them. While the swipes to the left and the right are now encrypted, a hacker could still monitor your activity. That is because the left and right swipes are different amounts of data.

Should I Download My Tinder Data?

Before deleting your account, we suggest you download your Tinder data first. That must be done before deleting. To do that, do the following.

  1. Start by going to a browser, click the Download your data section, and log into your Tinder account.
  2. Provide the Email address where you would like the information to go.
  3. Make sure you check your email because the link expires in 24 hours.
  4. Of course, click on the link to open the file so you can see all the information they will keep on you for the next 3 months.

Should I Deactivate or Delete My Account?

You have two options with your account. You can either deactivate or delete it. In this case, deactivating your account means “temporaily pause your account”. That means your account is no longer discoverable. However, it is still there and you will still be able to send information to existing contacts. By deleting your account, you delete all matches and messages.

Now, we will go through the steps of how to delete your account. Simply follow the steps below to eliminate the Tinder targeted ads and the potential selling of your information.

  1. Begin by logging on to your Tinder account, click on your profile icon, and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down to where it says delete account.
  3. When asked if you want to pause or delete it, select delete.
  4. Of course, it will remind you that it can’t be undone, and you have to give a reason for leaving.
  5. Your Tinder account is now deleted.

As always, you will want to take the types of safety precautions you normally would. Be sure to share this post with your friends because they may wish to delete their accounts as well. Follow us @VPNFan for the latest deals and guides.

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